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Advanced studies in the field of sustainable tourism

Feb 12, 2009 / alpMedia
The Swiss Tourism School Siders is offering a new Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in "Heritage and Tourism - The Mountains as a Living, Working and Recreation Environment" in conjunction with the UNESCO World Heritage property of the Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn.
Image caption:
Nachhaltiger Tourismus und Schutzgebiete stehen im Zentrum von verschiedenen Ausbildungsprogrammen. © / shoot it!
The main objective is to formulate, implement, mediate and monitor innovations aimed at sustainable tourism in the mountain landscape as an integral part of regional development. The 2009 course is being held between April and November, with lectures given in German and English.
Another teaching course dealing with nature-orientated tourism is entitled "Tourism. Quite naturally" and is offered by sanu | bildung für nachhaltige entwicklung [education for sustainable development]. This certificate course lasts four-and-a-half days and is to be held between April and May in a number of Swiss towns and cities.
September also sees the start of the MSc course on the Management of Protected Areas at the University of Klagenfurt/A, an innovative education programme for planners and managers of protected areas. The continuing education course lasts four semesters and is held in English.
Sources: (de/fr), (de/en/fr), (en)