CIPRA representatives:

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Media releases

  • Tracking change with CIPRA


    Twenty-five years have passed since the Alpine Convention was established. In its Annual Report, CIPRA International focuses on the role the international agreement plays for panalpine cooperation today and the role it could play in the future. There is also an internal change to report – in August 2016, Andreas Pichler will be taking the helm of the Liechtenstein-based NGO.

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  • Expo: Musicians crossing borders


    On Sunday, 7 June 2015, the curtain will rise on 123 talented singers and musicians from Italy, France and Slovenia, some of them with special needs! Two orchestras and a women's choir from three Alpine countries will perform together for the very first time at the Expo 2015 in Milan. Their music will conquer language barriers, unite different experiences and reveal the diversity and creativity of the Alpine space.

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  • Energy and nature in the Alps: a balancing act


    The Alps offer great potential for renewable energy production. But this simultaneously increases the pressure on nature. The partners in the international project have found ways to ensure this balancing act succeeds. They will be presenting their results at the final conference to be held on 20-21 May 2015 in Sonthofen, Germany.

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  • CIPRA: in pursuit of harmony on diversity


    Animals and plants have to migrate in order to reproduce. That involves crossing land that is also used by human beings. In its 2014 Annual Report, CIPRA shows how animals, plants and people all benefit from networking within the natural environment.

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  • Biodiversity needs bold policy and stringent implementation


    Biodiversity is a foundation for human wellbeing. However, strategies for its protection are not implemented effectively and projects often do not have the desired effect. The partners of the international project greenAlps present a series of recommendations for better implementation of existing policies in Alpine countries.

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  • Alpine policy put to the test


    The Macro-Region Alps opens up new possibilities for co-operation. CIPRA’s calls over the years for more participation and implementation may yet be acted upon. International policy for the Alps is the focus of the latest issue of SzeneAlpen.

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  • Living simply - with fewer resources

    Living, simply – with fewer resources

    (08.04.2014) The Alps are coming under increasing pressure with developments such as the energy transition, the growth of tourism and urban sprawl. But we can offset the limited nature of their natural resources with the help of cultural resources – changing our values to focus more closely on an environmentally-friendly way of life. What this entails is the subject of CIPRA’s 2013 Annual Report.

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  • Young voices, new perspectives for the Alps


    How do things stand with youth participation in the Alps? Where is action needed? A CIPRA report summarises the situation in the Alpine countries and shows the way forward. CIPRA has already taken a first step by creating a youth advisory council.

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  • Our demand: Olympics-free Alps!


    After the celebrations, the hangover of the morning after the Olympics: the reckoning of the consequential damage and the follow-up costs in Sochi. And just as it has been for all the venues around the world that have hosted the Winter Olympics, the reckoning will be severe. In an open letter, CIPRA is calling on IOC President Thomas Bach to initiate a fundamental reform of the IOC. In fact CIPRA has upped the ante with a policy document demanding that no more Winter Olympics be planned or staged in their current form.

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  • CIPRA embarks on a long-distance walk


    On 1 January 2014, CIPRA International took over the secretariat of the long-distance trail Via Alpina. Together both alpine-wide networks are working for more sustainable development in the Alps. Passionate hikers shall not be the only ones to benefit.

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