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Renewable Energy Road Map - Renewable energies in the 21st century: building a more sustainable future

File PDF document icon FahrplanEE_s.pdf — PDF document, 341 KB (349777 bytes)
Date Jan 21, 2010
Description This Road Map, an integral part of the Strategic European Energy Review, sets out a longterm vision for renewable energy sources in the EU. It proposes that the EU establish a mandatory (legally binding) target of 20% for renewable energy's share of energy consumption in the EU by 2020, explains why it is necessary, and lays down a pathway for mainstreaming renewables into EU energy policies and markets. It further proposes a new legislative framework for the promotion and the use of renewable energy in the European Union. In doing so, it will provide the business community with the long term stability it needs to make rational investment decisions in the renewable energy sector so as to put the European Union on track towards a cleaner, more secure and more competitive energy future.
Author zopemaster
Modified Apr 14, 2014 05:26 PM
Classification renewable energy climate protection policy energy policy law