I distretti economici delle Prealpi e delle Alpi centrali. Laghi, Lecco, Brianza, Sondrio
The volume presents some essays dealing with the process of industrialisation in Italy, especially with the themes of “district” of production, analyzing their geographical distribution on a national scale. There are also some essays dedicated to the analysis of study cases in the alpine and pre-alpine regions in Lombardy, with a particular attention to the productive realities, to the internal relationships and with the market and to the innovative dynamics. Even if the actual situation is changed since the publication of the volume, it is nonetheless interesting because it contains useful elements of analysis that are still valid. Compared with ten years ago, the actual situation sees the recession of little and medium enterprises on the national and international markets. Only the province of Sondrio seems to have some more chances since its economic structure is more based on local environmental resources, which support tourism activities, than on industry. Of course, it is also true that even the sustainability of tourism needs to be discussed since in the region considered this activity is too often based on house building, with great consumption of territory. Another important sector of local economy is the banking one, which has here an ancient tradition. The economic sector with the highest level of innovation is agriculture and food, particularly the branch of quality viniculture. The research reveals the importance of innovation and competitiveness as conditions for a sustainable growth based on endogenous resources. The concepts contained in the volume can be applied and transferred to other similar alpine and pre-alpine regions and show how good governance can help to control those processes that are not always positive (Q5, Q6).