Das Handbuch Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung
Erscheinungsjahr | 2005 |
Autor(en) | Kerstin Arbter |
Co-Autoren | Martina Handler, Elisabeth Purker, Georg Tappeiner Rita Trattnigg |
Sprache | de |
Zeitschrift | ÖGUT-News |
Zeitschriften Nr. | 01/2005 |
Participation of interested citizens and stakeholders in political decision processes is an essential indicator of a modern administration. Participation is an important precondition of sustainable developement.
Participation increases the chance to develop balanced and consensual solutions. Citizens participation is able to improve quality and acceptance of decisions. This happens because the knowledge of many people concerned and interested can be considered and this confirms faith in democratic decision making and finally in politics.
How does participation work? Which general conditions are needed? How expensive is participation and which Austrian practical examples are known?
An answer to this can be found in the “Handbuch Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung”. This guide explains what citizens participation is about and how it works in detail. A wide range of practical examples show how sustainable solutions can be found by participation of citizens and further stakeholders. The guide gives a review of participation methods, includes checklists for the essential participation steps and refers to public relations and financing. Web-Links and references are helpful for the realisation of participation projects.
Participation increases the chance to develop balanced and consensual solutions. Citizens participation is able to improve quality and acceptance of decisions. This happens because the knowledge of many people concerned and interested can be considered and this confirms faith in democratic decision making and finally in politics.
How does participation work? Which general conditions are needed? How expensive is participation and which Austrian practical examples are known?
An answer to this can be found in the “Handbuch Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung”. This guide explains what citizens participation is about and how it works in detail. A wide range of practical examples show how sustainable solutions can be found by participation of citizens and further stakeholders. The guide gives a review of participation methods, includes checklists for the essential participation steps and refers to public relations and financing. Web-Links and references are helpful for the realisation of participation projects.