Bündnerwald: Sägereien in Graubünden
Erscheinungsjahr | 2005 |
Herausgeber | Amt für Wald Graubünden Bibliothek Internet: |
Sprache | de |
Bezug | |
Dokumentart | Zeitschrift, Broschüre |
The magazine describes the situation of wood industry in canton Graubünden of Switzerland. It describes the economic situation of sawmills industry in Grison and Switzerland and discusses in various examples how the utilisation of wood and wood production chains can be improved to raise regional value added. There are interesting examples but not all of them fulfil requirements of sustainability. Two good practice examples are the ones of Trun and Val Lumnezia in Grison, where all steps of local wood processing and the end use of the wood (local constructions, firewood) take place in the valley. The wood chain of the Val Lumnezia is selected as a good practice example.