Großflächige Schutzgebiete im Alpenraum
Erscheinungsjahr | 1999 |
Autor(en) | Mario F. Broggi |
Co-Autoren | Rudolf Staub, Flavio V. Ruffini |
Herausgeber | Europäische Akademie Bozen EURAC Internet: |
Verlag | Blackwell Wissenschaftsverlag |
Erscheinungsort | Berlin/Wien |
ISBN/ISSN | 3-8263-3215-6 |
Seitenanzahl | 241 |
Sprache | de |
Preis | € 29,95 / sFr 52,- |
Bezug | |
Seiten | 241 |
The study is part of an overall concept aimed at reinforcing the network of conservation areas in the Alpine region. It highlights deficits of space and content in the types of landscape represented in the conservation areas. The basis of the statement is a collection of legal, geographical and natural-environmental data on Alpine conservation areas. The survey was carried out by analysing reference literature and through contacts with the relevant departments. A questionaire ensured that the survey of data in the different countries was comparable.