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Alliance in the Alps

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The Alliance in the Alps network of municipalities initiated in collaboration with CIPRA is an association comprising some 300 local authorities located throughout the Alpine region, from France to Slovenia. The member communities have come together in support of the goals of the Alpine Convention for sustainable development in the Alps. To this end they work in close contact with the resident populations to improve the ecological, social and economic situation in their communities. In addition they share knowledge and findings with other members of the network. These goals are achieved through a regular programme of meetings, conferences and excursions.

“Alliance in the Alps” that CIPRA contributed to establish is living proof of the fact that sustainable development and the implementation of the Alpine Convention may also occur at local level. The exchange of know-how and good practices among the communities throughout the Alps is impressive. Thus it is no surprise that an ever increasing number of communities wish to become members. The number of local authorities involved since its foundation in 1997: a five-fold increase.

For ten years CIPRA assumed responsibilities for the administration and support of the members and the association for the community network. in this cooperation several international programs have been developed and implemented, which form an essential activity of the community network. In DYNALP and DYNALP2 Alliance members were contributing to the implementation of the Alpine Convention focussing on rural tourism and landscape management. In the program dynAlp-climate municipalities were supported in implementing practical climate protection measures. The project dynAlp-nature promoted new approaches for nature conservation and cross-border cooperation projects.

"Alliance in the Alps" is committed to facilitating networking and  knowledge-transfer through events on a local, regional and international level. The network has it's own office, the focus of the collaboration with CIPRA lies in the development and implementation of events and projects in the areas of climate protection, demography, culture and quality of life, youth as well as biodiversity in municipalities.