Subscription service
With our Newsletters and Magazine "Alps insight" we keep you informed on the latest news about the issue of sustainable development in the Alps. You can order these publications here by eMail free of charge.
Alps insight
It’s well researched, entertaining and colourful: "Alps insight", the feature magazine – formerly CIPRA Info – addresses current issues relating to the Alps from a wide variety of viewpoints. Background information from the experts is accompanied by concrete examples, whether on the building of second homes, global warming, biodiversity, energy-efficient construction methods, innovations and much, much more. Right across the Alps. It is publishedat irregular intervals in German, French, Italian and Slovene, and is sent out by post.
alpMedia Newsletter
Concise, relevant, all over the Alps: In its monthly newsletter alpMedia the CIPRA informs about the primary topics from and across the Alps. It comes up with selected events, the CIPRA’s point of view and an amusing gloss. AlpMedia is published in German, French, Italian and Slovenian. Every two months, there is a best-of in English. With over 27,000 subscribers alpMedia is one of the most widely read newsletters about the Alps.
With JobMail CIPRA International informs you at irregular intervals about vacancies in organizations and institutions, which work in the field of protection and sustainable development in the Alps. JobMail does not consider any specific language, it is sent via eMail and free of charge.