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News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from Austria.



As CIPRA South Tyrol has flagged up, EU limits for nitrogen oxides are being massively exceeded in the region. There is an acute need for action, both in South Tyrol and in other Alpine regions.



The North Face of the Eiger in the Bernese Oberland is an inspiration for every mountaineer. A new railway project is now intended to make the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains even more accessible. Swiss environmental groups are, however, critical of the project.

Signal fires against transit traffic



Transit traffic over the main Alpine crossings is steadily increasing. Projects such as a second tube for the Gotthard road tunnel are increasing the attractiveness of road transport for goods. This year’s CIPRA action, “Fire across the Alps”, takes aim at this trend.

Ski tourism: an insatiable hunger



Gigantic artificial lakes, myriads of snow cannons, secret forest clearances. Ski areas are continuing to expand in all Alpine countries, often using questionable methods and concepts. Below are three examples.


Is it a comedy, a farce, or a whodunnit? In any case, the subject matter - an Alpine macro-region - is controversial and the cast high-powered. Inspired by the EU, Alpine countries and regions take to the stage while the Alpine Convention assumes the role of input provider.

Strange but true!


... Winter ade, scheiden tut weh – Winter must go, parting hurts, as the old German folk song runs. The little Austrian community of Ramsau is now ignoring this piece of wisdom, as well as the laws of nature.