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Alps / Europe

News, publications, press releases, positions... on this page you find current and alpine-relevant information from the Alps and the european region.

Dry winters have made natural snow increasingly rare and artificial snow ever more expensive: the report “Nevediversa 2023” analyses the impact of the climate crisis on ski resorts in Italy.


Litter is not only found in seas or urban areas: littering is also increasingly impinging on mountain areas. Initiatives and campaigns are motivating people to collect and avoid litter in the Alps.

Hidden CO2 emitters


Climate protection measures are expensive, which is why they are regularly criticised and rejected. How then can it be that at the same time the Alpine states are spending billions on environmentally harmful subsidies?

Young and committed people can now apply for the second “Alpine Changemaker Basecamp” in July 2023, where they can further develop and optimise their project ideas in a professional environment.

Travelling with a clear conscience


The fifth edition of YOALIN started in April 2023. 150 Yoalin tickets are waiting for young people between 18 and 27 to travel the Alps in a climate-friendly way by train and bus. In addition, they are invited to the kick-off in Slovenia, to three hub events during the summer and to the final event in Switzerland.

Alpine Policy 2023: the Slovenian-Swiss year


This year, Slovenia and Switzerland will play a decisive role in shaping international cooperation between states and regions in the Alps: Slovenia is taking over the presidency of the Alpine Convention, while Switzerland is the first non-EU country to chair the Eusalp, the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region.

Mountain forests and climate change


The consequences of climate change are also becoming apparent in the forests of the Alps. In South Tyrol/I and East Tyrol/A this year has seen an explosive spread of pests. What looks like frightening devastation might present a long-term opportunity, however.

Unsuitable landscapes for energy production


The results of a recent survey from Switzerland are clear: no to energy production in almost unspoilt mountain areas. Intensively used areas around ski resorts or existing power plants would be better suited to the expansion of renewable energy.