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Transnational comparison of instruments according to ecological evaluation of public buildings

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Year of publication2011
Publisher(s)Regione Piemonte
Direzione Programmazione strategica, Politiche territoriali ed Edilizia
Publication typeJournal, booklet
This document illustrates the results of the transnational comparison study carried out on eight environmental labels for buildings actually used in the Alpine regions. The objective was to understand communalities and differences between the assessment systems in the way to identify what are the needs to facilitate a future harmonization at European level. A common approach to environmental building assessment would facilitate the comprehension, dissemination and application of certification systems by the private and public stakeholders. At contrary, the proliferation of labels in the last period has created a confused scenario that need to be simplified.
The systems analyzed are „environmental” labels. This means that the assessment includes issues other than energy as: quality of location, construction materials, water consumptions, emissions, waste, indoor comfort, quality of service, etc.
One result of the project ENERBUILD is the common used ENERBUILD tool. This study gives a short response to the tool and further cooperation among regions in Europe.