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The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure

The Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure
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Year of publication2012
Publisher(s)European Commission
Publication typeOther
One of the key attractions of Green Infrastructure is its multifunctionality, i.e. its ability to perform several functions on the same spatial area.
This report, focused on identifying applied research surrounding the multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure, considers the different types of function that Green Infrastructure seeks to fulfil and looks at the evidence behind its ability to perform these functions. Firstly it will explore some general issues surrounding the evaluation of GI in terms of defining GI features or elements, identifying comparable costs and benefits, and issues surrounding indicators and multi-level evaluation. Following this general section the report is divided into sections on four ‘types’ of GI functions or ‘roles’: protecting ecosystems state and biodiversity, protecting ecosystem functioning and promoting ecosystem services, promoting societal well-being and health, supporting the development of a green economy and sustainable land and water management.
It will identify some of the GI features that carry out these functions and their costs and benefits, exemplified by case studies. It will also identify any indicators that could be used to monitor the performance of these roles and highlight areas where indicators need to be developed.