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Energy Self-sufficient Regions in the European Alps

Year of publication2011
Author(s)Bruno Abegg
JournalMountain Research and Development
Magazine No.vol 31 issue 4
Publication typeOther
Not having to depend on energy imports: This vision holds great fascination for many regions in the European Alps. At the heart of the corresponding concepts are the ideas of meeting demand through regional renewable sources of energy, saving energy, and using energy more efficiently. Energy self-sufficiency can be seen as a regional ''declaration of independence'' with opportunities and challenges. It is a promising strategy for dealing with both climate change and energy crisis-to the benefit of the regional economy, society, and environment. Examples from the Alps prove that energy self-sufficient regions are not just a pipe dream, but a worthwhile alternative. Some major findings from a recent study conducted by the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (CIPRA) are presented, as well as a political agenda to further advance the transformation process toward energy self-sufficiency. The long-term goal is to make the entire Alpine arc energy self-sufficient.
Filed under: energy policy