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Alpine Week of 2008: Innovatin [in] the Alps

Year of publication2009
Price20 €
JournalRevue de géographie alpine - Journal of Alpine Research
This first online special issue focuses on a particularly topical subject, that of innovation. More specifically it looks at the conception and implementation of innovative approaches and measures in mountain areas. The articles in this issue arose from the “Semaine Alpine” (Alps Week) that took place in June 2008 in Argentière-La Bessée, in the Hautes-Alpes department of France. These “Alps Weeks”, which alternate every two years with “Alpine Forums”, bring together researchers and local actors from the different countries of the alpine arc to exchange ideas on interdisciplinary themes. Since these meetings first began, the Journal of Alpine Research has devoted a special issue to the work and discussions that take place during these high points in the alpine research calendar.