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Improving Protected Areas

Year of publication 2009
Author(s) Michael Getzner, Michael Jungmeier
Number of pages 107
Page(s) 107

Development of the world economy – economic growth in industrialised countries and, at a faster pace, in emerging economies and low-income countries – implies increased pressures on natural resources and the environment. One answer to these global challenges – including global warming, depletion of natural resources, deforest ration and desertification – is the protection of areas which still have not or only marginally been integrated into the modern, expansive system of economic activities and which, at the same time, constitute significant parts of a natural and cultural heritage to be preserved for future generations.
The number and scope of these Protected Areas is increasing. Obviously it is not sufficient to delineate such areas on a map: they have actively to be protected and they have to be managed with respect to admissible forms of utilization like traditional farming or tourism, but also with the aim to enhance public awareness of the importance of such protective measures, including the necessity to spend tax money on this purpose.
It is the aim of the newly introduced, innovative programme “Management of Protected Areas” at the University of Klagenfurt to provide just these competencies and knowledge in the relevant fields to command the complex tasks of management in this field. The need for such a programme was demonstrated in the response to this offering, drawing participants from countries around the globe. This publication documents a major outcome of their endeavours in Klagenfurt, an abridged version of the theses that had been delivered at the end of the university course. The topics of these theses also show the complexity of an integrated management of Protected Areas, as well as the diversity of aims and tasks waiting for the graduates of this programme in their home countries.
To start this programme was an experiment with considerable risks. The present volume documents the success of this initiative for which the Faculty of Business Management and Economics at the University of Klagenfurt wants to express its gratulations to Michael Getzner and Michael Jungmeier, to all the students and lecturers, as well as our gratitude to all the supporting institutions, which made this project possible.

Hans-Joachim Bodenhöfer
Dean of the Faculty of Business Management and Economics