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Weaving a Web of Environmental Law

Year of publication563
Author(s)Barbara Lausche
PublisherErich Schmidt Verlag GmbH & Co.
Number of pages2008
PriceEUR (D) 59,00
This book is the very first attempt to describe the development of environmental law. In particular, those developments under the auspices of the Environmental Law Programme of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, and within the network of the International Council of Environmental Law and all concerned national and international agencies and organizations.

When awarding the 2001 United Nations Environment Prize, UNEP?s Executive Director stated that this network had done more to strengthen the position of international and national environmental law as a fundamental element of environmental management than any other. He noted that it had been involved in negotiating nearly all the major, modern environment-related treaties, as well as many other national and international instruments.

With its comprehensive treatment of the subject at national, regional and global levels, this publication shows how decision-makers were supported with information, legal analysis, advice, drafting of legal provisions, and capacity building, leading to the maturation of environmental law and its interconnection with sustainable development.

The author, Barbara Lausche devoted several years to researching primary documents and carried out interviews with many personalities involved in the development of national and international law.

Everyone interested in the advancement of the conservation of our natural systems and the sustainable use of natural resources will find this publication not only a reminder, but a truly unique and sometimes surprising glance into a story that until now has not been documented elsewhere.

In diesem Buch wird erstmals die Entwicklung des Umweltrechts dargestellt. Insbesondere beschreibt es chronologisch und umfassend die Geschichte des Umweltrechtsprogramms der IUCN seit seiner Gründung und des weltweiten Netzwerks aller dazugehörenden internationalen und nationalen Vertretungen und Organisationen.

Die Autorin Barbara J. Lausche hat auf der Grundlage zahlreicher Originaldokumente und mit Hilfe der tragenden Persönlichkeiten des Umweltrechtsprogramms mit diesem Buch ein grundlegendes Werk zum Verständnis der Entwicklung des nationalen und internationalen Umweltrechts geschaffen.