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Exploring the Nature of Management

Year of publication2006
Publisher(s)HSR Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil
Forschungsstelle für Freizeit, Tourismus und Landschaft
Dominik Siegrist
Co-PublisherChristophe Clivaz, Marcel Hunziker, Sophia Iten
PublisherResearch Centre for Leisure, Tourism and Landscape, Institute for Landscape and Open Space, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil,
Place of publicationRapperswil
ISBN/ISSNISBN 3-033-00935-2
Number of pages510
Purchase[email protected]
Ref.Forschungsstelle für Tourismus, Freizeit und Landschaft
Hochschule Rapperswil
Oberseestrasse 10
8640 Rapperswil / CH
Phone number: +41 (0)55 222 4791
Fax: +41 (0)55 222 44 00
E-mail: [email protected]
Management and monitoring of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas are topics of growing importance worldwide. Today more than 100,000 protected areas exist globally, and the trend shows that their number is increasing, as the IUCN statistics demonstrate. To these, we must add numerous smaller areas that also have special natural or cultural heritage values, but do not have a special protected status. Many of these areas do not only serve the protection of natural and cultural values or biodiversity, they are also important points of attraction for tourism and recreation. These areas must be professionally maintained and managed if they are to conserve their natural and landscape values in future.