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Regions: Statistical yearbook 2002

publikation regionen Jahrbuch 2002 EU
Image caption:
Year of publication2002
Publisher(s)European Union
Number of pages150
Languagede, en, fr
Price60 EUR
In ‘REGIONS: Statistical yearbook 2002’, the Statistical Office of the European Communities provides a selection of the latest economic and social statistics for the regions of the European Union and in some cases for as many as 12 of the candidate countries. As in previous years, this 2002 issue contains information on population, agriculture, GDP, unemployment, nature of the labour force, science and technology, and transport. Reflecting the expansion of the REGIO database, there are also new chapters on business statistics, health, the environment and urban statistics. Colour maps, graphs and text commentaries highlight the interrelationships at regional level, demonstrating that they often transcend national boundaries. As with the 2001 Yearbook, the publication contains a CD-ROM providing access to the latest available year's data from the REGIO database. The PDF version does not contain the data provided on CD-ROM.