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Tourism and the environment

Year of publication2002
Author(s)Hans-Werner Schmidt
Publisher(s)European Union
Number of pages8
Languagede, en, fr
JournalStatistics in Focus; Industry, Trade & Services
Magazine No.Theme 4 - 40
Publication typeJournal, booklet
EU statistical agency Eurostat has made what it calls a "first tentative attempt" at quantifying tourism's impacts on the environment. The data "suggest a causal link" between tourism density and higher electricity consumption, waste water and municipal waste generation, and drinking water consumption, the brief report concludes. But it does not establish a direct relationship with air pollution, saying it was "too difficult to quantify the real impact". For each clear link between tourism and environmental pressure, the report also finds regions that do not conform. See report (pdf, 674 kb); source: Environment Daily 1334, 21/11/02