CIPRA representatives:

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  • Natura 2000 site under pressure

    Too many visitors are putting a strain on nature in the Trois Becs/F area and pushing the infrastructure to its limits. A study by CIPRA France proposes measures, including on-site personal sensitisation and greater communication.

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  • A signal for climate protection

    From Triglav National Park in Slovenia to Radnig in Austria and Gondo in Switzerland, on 13 August 2022 people came together to set an example for climate protection. This year’s «Fire in the Alps» was held under the motto «The Alps need climate protection».

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  • Shoes from a 3D printer

    Creative, young, motivated: around 30 young people from all the Alpine countries have spent a year implementing their ideas for a good life in the Alps. At the beginning of July they concluded their year-long journey as “Alpine Changemakers” and presented their projects.

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  • Co-housing instead of vacancies

    What ideas are there for living together in the Alps? From co-housing to neighbourhood management in communities, a symposium in Saas-Fee/CH has helped shed light on these and other developments.

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  • Via Alpina Explorer on the trail

    Get your boots on, get set, go! Until the end of September 2022, nine “explorers” will be hiking along the redesigned Via Alpina route. They tell stories about alpine biodiversity, the magic of long-distance hiking, regional specialities and encounters along the way – in a series of short videos, reports, film and art projects.

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  • Heatwave aggravated by soil sealing

    All of Europe is currently groaning under the heat – and the growing numbers of concreted-over areas are heating up the environment even more. In a background report, CIPRA's Saving:Soils project shows good examples and solutions for the sustainable use of soil and summarises current strategies in the Alpine countries.

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  • CIPRA celebrates 70 years of Alpine protection

    Connecting people, overcoming borders, protecting the Alps: For 70 years CIPRA has been working for a good life in the Alps. What might the Alps of the future look like? On the occasion of its birthday on 5 May, CIPRA also takes a fresh look at itself and presents various visions of the future in the current SzeneAlpen themed issue "The Alps of Tomorrow".

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  • Climate bridges to south-eastern Europe

    The Climate Bridges project strengthens cooperation for transnational climate protection in the Western Balkans. Together with other NGOs, CIPRA Lab is setting up a network platform for this purpose – and is looking for good climate protection examples from south-eastern Europe.

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  • What nature provides in the Alps

    Alpine pastures that provide us with food; trees that create a pleasant microclimate; Alpine landscapes that heal and touch. CIPRA's 2021 Annual Report focuses on the value of nature and shows how we can protect Alpine ecosystems.

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  • Waale, Suonen, Wasserleiten

    Vital for the cultural landscape and biodiversity, and the epitome of community resource management: an application to UNESCO aims to turn traditional irrigation practices into an intangible cultural heritage asset.

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