Rendezvous of friends of the Alps
The various aspects of the relationship between the Alps and those who live, work and relax there are at the centre of the fourth AlpWeek, to be held from 11 to 14 October 2016 in Grassau, Germany. People in the Alps are facing huge challenges. This joint event will see several Alpine-wide institutions and networks calling on inhabitants and visitors alike to accept these challenges and help shape the future.
Maintaining and developing the Alpine heritage
The purpose of the AlpWeek is to share existing Alpine experiences in order to find new Alpine-specific solutions for the future that can maintain its social, cultural and natural heritage. To show the variety of approaches available and to discuss sustainable development options, AlpWeek 2016 will be encouraging a broad and diversified dialogue focusing on three main fields of action: demography, culture, and quality of life. Social scientist Harald Welzer, cultural scientist and European ethnologist Bernhard Tschofen as well as entrepreneurs Sandrine Percheval and Anne Lassmann will be some of the many international speakers that will join the discussion on these topics.
Alpine towns and CIPRA seek dialogue
As a one of the organisers of AlpWeek, CIPRA is staging two events. The first will focus on how to manage unspoilt areas with the event entitled “Da röhrt der Hirsch, da rauscht der Bach [Where the deer bellows and the stream rushes]”. Another contribution entitled “We are climate!” will address sustainable lifestyles and youth and citizen participation. Visitors can discover more about lifestyles and sustainable architecture in the Alps in the two exhibitions for the “100max” project and the “Constructive Alps” architecture prize. The “Alpine Town of the Year” association is hosting an event on the potential of fallow land areas.
AlpWeek is an international event dedicated to new and promising approaches to of sustainable development in the Alps. Co-organised by the main alpine organisations engaged in regional and sustainable development, it is held every four years. This edition of the event is being organised under the German Presidency of the Alpine Convention.
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