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New French policy for the mountains

Apr 29, 2015 / alpMedia
Thirty years ago, France passed a special law for its mountain areas. It is now undergoing a review. Here is a summary of the most significant amendments.
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The policy is intended to produce the right incentives for climate protection, such as the expansion of public transport. (c) Nuno Murão /

In 1985 the French parliament adopted a law covering mountain areas. Thirty years on, only 35 of its 102 articles now exist in their original form. Global phenomena such as climate change are also presenting mountain areas with new challenges. Prime Minister Manuel Valls has therefore asked Bernadette Laclais and Annie Genevard to collect and develop proposals for a revision of the law. The two parliamentarians are due to make their results available by mid-May 2015.

Nine mountain and environmental organisations, including CIPRA France, have already submitted views, including 21 concrete measures. They demand a balance between protection and usage. The successful development of sustainable and liveable mountain areas requires new concepts for tourism, the valorisation of biodiversity, a “sufficient” lifestyle as well as the expansion of rail and public transport. In their paper the mountain and environmental organisations also set out concepts for ensuring basic services and the further development of governance for mountain areas.

Source and further information: (fr), (fr), (fr), (fr)

Filed under: alpMedia 05/2015