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Energy and nature in the Alps: a balancing act

Mar 24, 2015
How do we manage the balancing act between renewable energy production and nature conservation in the Alps? The final conference of the project can provide the answers. Organised by CIPRA, it will take place from 20 to 21 May 2015 in Sonthofen, Germany.
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Solutions to the conflict between nature conservation and energy production. The final conference of the project will take place in Sonthofen/D with the support of the “Alpine Town of the Year” association (c) Kenneth Brockmann/

The conflict of aims between the costs and benefits of producing renewable energy lay at the heart of the project. The focus was (among other things) on the extent of the Alpine-wide potentials for producing energy from water, wind, biomass and solar sources in the Alps. From 20 to 21 May 2015 the 16 partners, including CIPRA, will be publishing their results at the international conference on “Energy and nature in the Alps: a balancing act” to be held in Sonthofen, the 2005 Alpine Town of the Year. Also being presented is a newly developed system that provides an objective basis for decisions on the production of renewable energy. Representatives from the project pilot areas will be reporting on their experiences with the participatory processes that arise from conflicts between energy use, nature and landscape. An evening event for local people, a poster exhibition and excursions (for example to the famous energy village of Wildpoldsried) will round off the programme.

CIPRA is responsible for the organisation of the final conference and for public relations work. The project is co-financed by the European Fund for Regional Development in the context of the Alpine Space programme. The German Environment Ministry is providing financial support for CIPRA’s work.

For more information and registration see: