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Pyrenean Convention to push ahead

Oct 22, 2003 / alpMedia
The first step towards drawing up a Pyrenean Convention was taken at a meeting of government representatives chaired by Catalonia at Puigcerdà/E in July of this year. At the meeting representatives of the regions concerned (Languedoc-Roussillon/F, Midi-Pyrénées/F, Aquitaine/F, Navarre/E, Aragon/E, Basque Country/E, Catalonia/E and Andorra), which form the Pyrenees Working Group (Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées or CTP), drafted a joint declaration, which is now available online in French, Spanish and Catalonian.
The drawing-up of a Pyrenean Convention is modelled on the Alpine Convention, and the aim initially is to establish an awareness of the Pyrenees as a separate legal and political entity with the European Union and the general public.
Source: Mountain Forum Europe and (fr/es/cat)