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CIPRA viewpoint: for an environmentally friendly and participative energy transition

Sep 18, 2013 / alpMedia
The energy transition is one answer to the threat of global warming and the explosive risks of nuclear energy. Erwin Rothgang, President of CIPRA Germany, speaks about the minimum requirements for the Bavarian Alps.
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Erwin Rothgang is Chairman of CIPRA Germany. © CIPRA Deutschland
All eight member organisations of CIPRA Germany, representing some 1.5 million individual members, clearly support the energy transition if can be done in an environmentally friendly manner. The euphoria unleashed by the energy transition must not be accompanied by the unlimited exploitation of nature and landscape for the production, storage and distribution of renewable energy.
In a position paper, CIPRA Germany formulates the requirements for environmental compatibility in the energy transition in the German Alps, with detailed criteria for the use of water, wind, photovoltaic, biomass and geothermal technologies. No new hydroelectric power plants should be built on rivers that have not yet been dammed, while wind power plants should only be constructed outside protected areas. They must also meet strict criteria as regards species and landscape protection.
The energy transition concerns not only the way energy is produced, but will also have far-reaching effects on our economy, consumption habits and the form and use of our landscape. It can therefore only succeed if it has popular support. Local or regional energy strategies that involve residents and a transparent planning process that is open to citizens are both fundamental conditions. Effective strategies for the reduction of energy consumption, more efficient energy use and the abolition of environmentally harmful subsidies are urgently necessary to keep land use within reasonable limits.

Sources and further information: (de)