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Climate change: cc.alps looked many steps further

Dec 01, 2012 / CIPRA Internationale Alpenschutzkommission
With the recently published compact "Water in climate change" the project "cc.alps - climate change: looking one step further" has come to an end. In the last four years, CIPRA International together with a wide range of experts and practitioners has shown what intelligent climate activities should look like.
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CIPRA built up a rich database with mitigation and adaptation model projects from many Alpine regions. In addition, CIPRA produced a series of "compacts", reports in which the project team summarised the present state of knowledge, presented good practice examples and derived key messages and various political demands in the different sectors affected by climate change. Most compacts are available in several languages. In numerous conferences, workshops and meetings CIPRA transferred the knowledge gained in cc.alps to an interested audience. One upcoming conference will take place in Germany and is called: Klima von unten.
cc.alps has prepared the ground for several follow up projects such as Alpstar, C3-Alps and MountEE. In addition, CIPRA has recently started a trans-national co-operation with several regions in the EU Leader programme, which are interested to implement intelligent climate response measures. More information on this new co-operation will soon be available on the CIPRA website.
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