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The French ecological network becomes regional

Aug 30, 2012 / Yann Kohler
The main aim of the French "Green and Blue Infrastructure" ("Trame Verte et Bleue" - TVB) is to stop biodiversity loss. The ecological network is in addition a powerful tool for spatial planning. The two Alpine regions Rhône-Alpes and Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur have started to set up this new planning tool.
Hands indicating locations on a map
Image caption:
All concerned actors are invited to participate in the development of the French ecological network. © Frank Schultze/ Zeitenspiegel
As foreseen by the law, the TVB is created at regional level through the elaboration of "Regional Schemes of Ecological Coherence" (Schémas Régionaux de Cohérence Ecologique). These schemes can therefore be considered as new documents for spatial planning. They are developed by regional TVB committees. The committees ensure a wide participation of all concerned actors to the development of the green and blue infrastructure, gathering representatives of the national and regional administrations, of the different land user categories, various NGOs as well as scientists and other experts. Together these actors define the regional priorities, ensure the coherence with the national guidelines and make proposals of first actions. The regional schemes should be finalized in 2013.
Further information (in French):
Region Rhône-Alpes:, Region Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur:, France: