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Respite for the "king of the Alpine rivers"

May 25, 2011 / alpMedia
It looks like no gravel is to be extracted from the Tagliamento for the time being. The company that was planning to extract more than a million cubic metres of ballast between Cimano/I and the Arzino tributary has withdrawn its project.
Image caption:
Tagliamento: the last major river in central Europe with a largely unregulated course. © Tagliamento
This is due to the numerous objections raised by the relevant authority (Autorità di Bacino) and environmental protection agencies, among others.
The extraction of ballast from the section of river deemed of particular ecological significance had been justified on the grounds of flood protection and securing the railway line that runs along the river. The gravel from the "king of the Alpine rivers" was to have been turned into cash supposedly in the public interest, according to the WWF in a comprehensive document. However, despite the respite, the Tagliamento is still not off the hook as there are plans to build retaining reservoirs and demand for ballast remains high.
Source: (it)