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55 questions on alpine ecological connectivity

Sep 30, 2010
A joint research project of Econnect, the Platform Ecological Network under the Alpine Convention and the Ecological Continuum Initiative aims to identify "The 55 most urgent questions concerning ecological networks in the Alps" by bringing together all "alpine actors" such as national administrations, protected areas, researchers, stakeholders and various NGOs.
The study employs a methodology which has been successfully applied in this context in other regions. To date, the 22 participating institutions have submitted some 450 questions. These questions will undergo a second round of review and consolidation before a final prioritization and selection process is carried out at a workshop beginning of December in Switzerland. The output of the process will be a list of 55 questions which reveal the lack of robust scientific evidence or novel approaches with regard to ecological connectivity in the Alpine region. Subsequently the list of questions will be published in a peer-reviewed journal and disseminated to a wider public within the Alpine region and beyond, in order to help researchers and donors focus on urgent projects.