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A milestone for alpMedia

Sep 09, 2010 / alpMedia
With its current issue CIPRA's three-weekly Newsletter alpMedia is going out to more than 25'000 people throughout the Alps for the first time. CIPRA launched the alpMedia information project during the International Year of the Mountains 2002, and at that time the Newsletter was sent to just 1'700 people.
alpMedia appeals to the international community - for the first time no fewer than 25,000 Newsletters have now been sent out.
Image caption:
alpMedia appeals to the international community - for the first time no fewer than 25,000 Newsletters have now been sent out. © pink_olive /
alpMedia's characteristics include its international appeal, a multilingual publication, and an interdisciplinary approach.
The alpMedia team always welcomes suggestions about the Newsletter and any references to activities and events in and about the Alps, at [email protected].
Source: CIPRA International