Towards happy shrinking
Apr 13, 2010
Always more - the world will become better and better as long as material well-being grows. Nobody asks what this costs…until the system collapses. The present financial and economic crisis is giving us a taste of it. The Alps are now among the losers, but could be among the winners if they rise to the challenge. Must growth in principle be rejected?
Or can there be qualitative growth? Do we need a vision differentiated by region? In its latest issue, "Wachstum auf Teufel komm' raus? Die Alpen auf der Suche nach dem Glück" (Growth at any cost? The Alps' search for happiness), CIPRA's thematic periodical "SzeneAlpen" focuses on the backgrounds and consequences of the growth spiral and presents solutions for spatial planning, the economy and politics. One thing is certain: in the Alps too, there is no royal road to happiness.
More information in: SzeneAlpen Nr. 93 "Wachstum auf Teufel komm' raus?", available free of charge from CIPRA International, [email protected]. The issue can also be downloaded as PDF from (de/fr/it/sl)
More information in: SzeneAlpen Nr. 93 "Wachstum auf Teufel komm' raus?", available free of charge from CIPRA International, [email protected]. The issue can also be downloaded as PDF from (de/fr/it/sl)