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Catalogue of connectivity measures: new publication in English, French, German and Italian

Oct 19, 2009 / alpMedia
The Continuum Project just published online a catalogue of possible measures for improving ecological connectivity in English, French, German and Italian language.
In a landscape used for agricultural purposes, clearance cairns can provide important stepping stone biotopes for sand lizards.
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In a landscape used for agricultural purposes, clearance cairns can provide important stepping stone biotopes for sand lizards. © Yann Kohler
The catalogue explains how extensivisation of agricultural use, species conservation measures along transport routes or creating synergies with tourism can contribute to the implementation of ecological networks. 69 exemplary measures from all Alpine countries show how areas or structures can be created, conserved or restored so that they can play a role as connecting elements within an ecological network. An associated Excel database helps people in pilot regions or in all other regions where connectivity needs to be improved to find measures corresponding to different contexts.
The translations have been financed by the German and French Environment ministries.
The catalogue and the database can be downloaded on: