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ECONNECT: Nature without limits

Nov 06, 2008 / alpMedia
The kick-off for the EU project "ECONNECT - Restoring the web of life" took place in Vienna/A on 4 and 5 November. Over the next three years sixteen partners and four observers from all the Alpine States will be working to implement an ecological network across state borders and the confines of protected areas.
Image caption:
© Universität Innsbruck/Füreder
Their aim is to contribute towards preserving Europe's unique biodiversity in the Alpine region, which is under threat from climate change and the fragmentation and destruction of habitats.
Partners from various disciplines and different levels are taking on the challenge of overcoming the barriers in people's minds: they include administrations, scientists, and representatives of NGOs and protected areas. One particular emphasis is on the implementation of measures in six pilot regions. Measures such the alpine-wide analysis of statutory and ecological barriers are to provide a contextual framework. The four alpine-wide networks ALPARC, CIPRA, ISCAR and WWF have been the driving force behind ECONNECT and are also project partners. ECONNECT is co-financed by the EU as part of its Alpine Space Programme.
Information: (en)