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Aug 01, 2007 / CIPRA Internationale Alpenschutzkommission
Brig, Klagenfurt and Chiavenna: Workshop documentation is now online The workshop on "The Forestry Sector in Regional Policy - Options for Sustainable Development in the Alpine Region" organised by the Further Education in Forestry and Landscape jointly with CIPRA was held in Brig/CH on March 28 and 29.
From 31 May to 1 June CIPRA Italy and the WWF Italy organised the workshop on "The Quality of the Natural and Cultural Environment: How Tourism Can Create an Added Value for Mountain Communities" in Chiavenna/I. On June 13 and 14 the workshop on "Management of Alpine Protected Areas - An Opportunity for Regional Development?" took place in Klagenfurt/A. It was organised by CIPRA Austria in co-operation with Klagenfurt University.
The documentation complete with the presentations by all the speakers is now available for downloading from the Future in the Alps web site at for all three events.

Completion of the synthesis report on the findings of alpKnowhow

The synthesis report on the findings from the alpKnowhow research phase of Future in the Alps has now been complemented with two appendices and is available online (Knowledge Database navigation item). In the Glossary the keywords relating to the six topic areas addressed by Future in the Alps have been translated into the four main languages of the Alps. Open research questions have been added as a second appendix. These are questions which arose during the project preparations or as part of the work by the team of experts. CIPRA now wants to encourage the scientific community to develop new projects in these areas.