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Co-operation in the mountains of Europe

May 18, 2006 / alpMedia
The Pro Monte final conference to be held in Chambéry/F on 8 and 9 June is entitled "Mountain Massifs and Territorial Co-operation in Europe". The Pro Monte Project launched as part of the EU Interact Initiative assists and networks players from European mountain regions looking for answers to urgent issues relating to environmental policy, regional planning and social matters.
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The Conference is scheduled to begin with a presentation of the objectives of Pro Monte, the core issues of territorial co-operation and the political contexts in which the mountain regions of the European Union are set. This will be followed by rounds of discussions and debate on subjects such as "Opportunities and Challenges of Territorial Co-operation in European Mountain Regions" and "Mountain Regions in 21st Century Europe, Institutional Driving Forces of Co-operation". The conference will be rounded off by national contributions, concrete proposals and conclusions on the subject matter. Simultaneous interpreting in French, English, German and Spanish is to be provided throughout the event.
Sources, information and registration: (en)