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Alpine Enterprise network to promote sustainability-oriented enterprises

Mar 09, 2006 / alpMedia
Together with nine partners from all the alpine countries CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps (Schaan/FL), has set itself the aim of establishing an alpine-wide network of small and medium-sized businesses as part of the NENA Project and promote sustainability-oriented enterprises. The idea of an alpine-wide network of enterprises came about as part of CIPRA's Future in the Alps project.
Image caption:
Holzwirtschaftsunternehmen aus dem gesamten Alpenraum vernetzen sich im Rahmen von NENA. © CIPRA-International
The NENA project stands for Network Enterprise Alps - Enhancing sustainable development, competitiveness and innovation through SME and cluster co-operation; it was approved at the end of February with a budget of €2.38 million from the EU Interreg IIIB Programme, and is to run until February 2008.
NENA focuses on the two areas of renewable resources with emphasis on the timber value-added chain, energy from renewable resources and energy savings in passive buildings, as well as innovation and technology with emphasis on innovation management, further training, process optimisation and certification, and interface management. The NENA network is to facilitate the exchange of know-how for the enterprises involved, encourage the creation of cooperation ventures, develop further training programmes and contribute towards a better image. Synergetic effects are to be tapped both within the individual branches of industry and between the branches themselves. NENA promotes sustainable development in the Alpine region by taking account of social, ecological and economic issues. By involving businesses from urban and rural regions NENA is helping to bridge the gap between large agglomerations and disadvantaged regions.
The lead partner is Entwicklungsverein Natur- und Kulturerbe Vorarlberg/A. Other project partners include umbrella organisations, research institutes and government and non-government organisations from various specialist fields.
Source: CIPRA-International
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