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Europe's changing climate and the hot summer of 2003

Aug 26, 2004 / alpMedia
Europe's climate has changed considerably over the past one hundred years, and the impact of that change is visible in many areas. An extensive study in English by the European Environment Agency (EEA) shows that Alpine glaciers for instance have lost more than half their ice mass.
Impacts of Europe's changing climate
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The study also examined the impact of climate change on mountain flora: it appears that endemic mountain plant species do not adapt to rises in annual average temperatures as well as more competitive shrub and tree species, which are more likely to replace them.
Another study looked at the tangible impact of the hot summer of 2003 (according to EEA experts a further example of Europe's climate change) on Switzerland's waterways. While alpine rivers were swollen by the large volume of melt-water from glaciers, lack of water in the regions of the Jura and the Mittelland and higher water temperatures caused problems for the fish fauna. There were also conflicts of interest between water conservation and agriculture, but not however with regard to the quality of the water and the supply of drinking water. According to the study there is no need at present for immediate action on the part of national legislation.
Sources and information: (en), (de)