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Conference of Regions in Kranjska Gora/SI

Nov 06, 2003 / alpMedia
On 24 October 2003 representatives of the seven pilot regions of the EU research project REGALP convened at the Conference of Regions for an exchange of experience at Kranjska Gora/SI.
The agenda included the following questions among others: How have the alpine habitat and the alpine cultural landscape changed over the past thirty years? What trends can we expect until the year 2020? What can the inhabitants of the alpine regions themselves do to help prevent undesirable developments and encourage positive trends?
The results of the one-day conference comprised the following areas of action in which future priorities are to be set: The increasing polarisation between favoured and disadvantaged regions is to be neutralised since unequally distributed jobs and polarised growth represent an ever widening gap between the regions. Ways in tourism are to be found that do not have negative repercussions on nature and the environment. It is also important to tap into the existing potential, to embrace change and strengthen joint ventures.
Information: (de/fr/it/sl/en).