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Energy-efficient houses made from timber sourced from the Alpine region

Mar 15, 2008
Do you actually know how much money your house is losing you by using energy inefficiently? Why not save it instead - and treat yourself to a comfortable, healthy living environment into the bargain, with plenty of sunlight within your own four walls. This Dossier is designed to help you do just that. It contains information on energy-efficient, resource-friendly construction and renovation methods and provides suggestions and advice on the use of locally sourced timber as a building material and fuel type. Besides a background report you will also find instances of good practice well worth emulating, cross-links to the relevant literature and events, and also information on the latest developments in the area of sustainable building in the Alpine region. The Dossier is the result of a project carried out in 2004 by CIPRA, the International Commission for the Protection of the Alps, on behalf of the Principality of Liechtenstein. Additional relevant material on the issue can be found in other language versions of this page.
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Filed under: energy efficiency