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May 16, 2017
[Project completed] Grasslands, marshes, hedges, biotopes and woods are examples of natural treasures and biological diversity that are of great value to alpine regions and municipalities. Not only do they offer a habitat for plants and animals, but also humans value functioning natural areas for their attractiveness and the quality of life they offer. Nevertheless, –these areas have much more potential than we often realise and there is much more every municipality can do!
Image caption:
© Christoph Püschner / Zeitenspiegel

The project "speciAlps" aimed to identify, conserve and value natural treasures in all their diversity. By supporting and motivating alpine regions and municipalities to work together the project partners hoped to integrate the experience of nature into everyday life and to strengthen natural diversity throughout the alpine space. In five test regions natural diversity teams were accompanied and supported by local advisors and experts in the implementation of individual projects. Ideas included turning green spaces into biotopes or grasslands, developing didactic trails  and seeding grass strips along agricultural fields.

In its Multiannual Work Programme the Alpine Convention defines biodiversity as a central topic. With the project "speciAlps" CIPRA International and the community network "Alliance in the Alps" wanted to contribute towards this topic.

«speciAlps» lasted from April 2017 to March 2020 and was supported by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation Nuclear Safety (BMU), Germany. The project was based on the programme «Natural diversity in municipalities" ("Naturvielfalt in der Gemeinde") from Vorarlberg, Austria.

Support from the BMUB: 215.155 Euro

With support from the Heidehof Stiftung, and from the Liechtensteinische pancivis Stiftung.

Magdalena Holzer
Project manager CIPRA International

Filed under: CIPRA project