Climate-friendly streetscapes
The spatial interdependence of roads in the border region between Liechtenstein, Austria and Switzerland makes international cooperation with a focus on green infrastructure indispensable. Stresses such as air pollution, noise, heat, lack of green spaces and also limited access to food and medical care can accumulate on certain roads (UBA, 2022). The fair design of these spaces requires consideration of the needs of all road users (e.g. children, people with limited mobility, cyclists). The aim of the project is to promote the integration of climate and health-relevant aspects into already-planned renovation and redesign measures for street spaces. Nationally and internationally successful concepts and methods are to be analysed for their practical suitability in the Alpine Rhine Valley. Following this, a suitable method will be developed and tested in municipal pilot projects (practice transfer). The changes required to apply the method will be developed in a participatory manner (policy transfer). In addition, awareness-raising and training courses, future workshops and an international conference will be organised to promote the exchange of knowledge.
Full project name
Climate-friendly and healthy streetscapes
Project goals
- Integration of climate and health-relevant aspects into already planned renovation and redesign measures for street spaces
- Fair, climate-friendly and health-promoting design of street spaces
Dialogue and target groups
- Cantonal and regional authorities
- Municipal decision-makers
- Agglomeration programmes
- Spatial planners
- Civil society
- Review existing successful concepts and methods for their practicability in the Alpine Rhine Valley
- Develop and create suitable methods and test them at municipal level
- Necessary changes to anchor and apply the method to be developed in a participatory manner
- International conference to present the project across borders
- Development of a set of tools that can be used independently of country-specific features
01.08.2024 – 31.07.2027
Project partners
- aks Gesundheit GmbH
- Energy Institute Vorarlberg
- AREG – Canton of St. Gallen
- AHR – Office for Building Construction and Spatial Planning Liechtenstein
Project languages
German, English
Jakob Dietachmair, [email protected]
Project funding
Interreg Alpine Rhine – Lake Constance – Upper Rhine
Co-funded by the European Union and partner countries
Principality of Liechtenstein
Canton of St. Gallen