CIPRA representatives:

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Feb 05, 2015
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Partner meeting

on 12th and 13th Febuary 2015 in Schaan/LI

--> Programme available here

--> Invitation to public screening "Mobility in the Alps" - a film project in the framework of the project "Youth Alpine Dialogue" with contributions of all Alpine countries

Mobility in the Alps

6 thematic coachings in 4 languages in each partner country

Through interactive workshops with a coach, young people get in touch with the topic and gain the know-how to focus on the specific topic they want to work on for the interviews.

  • Italy: 4.06.2014 in Turin
  • France: 30.05.2014 in Grenoble
  • Austria: 25.08.2014 in Innsbruck
  • Slovenia: 5.05.2014 in Ljublijana
  • Switzerland: 15.01.2015 in Buchs
  • Liechtenstein: 17.12.2014
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Youth Participation for sustainability

International training in 2 Modules, in English, in May and September 2014, LI

12 young people (International steering group) between 18 and 30 years old took part in the training. They learned methods and tools of youth participation, creative project management and participated facilitation in order to be able to animate and involve other young people in their own country. A handbook of this training will be available as final product at the end of the project.

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Video interview with my mobile phone

6 online coachings  in English with each national working group. Young people learn how to make a professional video-interview with a mobile phone, where do they have to pay attention, how they have to cooperate with each other as “reporter” and “camera-man”. Guidelines for the interviews and an hand-out for the video-coaching in English are given to the participants.

  • Italy:25.09.2014
  • France:26.08.2014
  • Austria: 25.08.2014
  • Slovenia: 12.10.2014
  • Switzerland: 26.01.2015
  • Liechtenstein: 18.12.2014

Young Alps online

Concept for a web-platform for youth participation and environmental education

  1. Workshop: 23.10.2014 in Berchtesgaden/Germany during the 3rd International Workshop
    "Mountain Environmental Education in Alpine Protected Areas", organized by the French partner ALPARC