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Plan B: other ways from a to b

Apr 03, 2008
On the basis of a co-ordinated regional project supported by numerous external partners, the Vorarlberg municipalities of Bregenz, Hard, Kennelbach, Lauterach, Wolfurt and Schwarzach are together promoting environment-friendly mobility in the region. The Plan B municipalities are implementing a wide range of measures for kindergartens and schools, businesses, authorities and recreation – for healthy and climate-friendly mobility and enhanced quality of life in the region.

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Fields: Transport and mobility 
Location: Vorarlberg – Rhine Valley / Austria
Start: 01.01.2004
Project period: 2004, continuous
Contact: Gerhard Schmid, mprove Team für Kommunikation (e-Mail)

Zentrum für Umwelt und Kultur


A reduction in traffic volumes in the region as a meaningful contribution to climate protection.
Attractive mobility services for enhanced quality of life in the region.
Regional co-operation and networking with relevant actors.
Awareness-building for the advantages of sustainable mobility. Long-term effects instead of short-term campaigns.
Solutions that are transferable to all partners.


Plan-b addresses mobility in its interrelationships with other fields such as health, road safety and local amenities, and involves numerous target groups in regional mobility management. The activities of the municipalities are correspondingly varied but relate mainly to the fields of school and kindergarten, business, administration and recreation. With their Bike Plan B project, the Plan B municipalities have recently developed an additional focus on the bicycle for eco-friendly mobility.
List of activities: Kids by Bus & Kids’ Crocodile (kindergartens), Schoolwalker & Road Safety for Children (schools), company mobility management, business network & information programmes (businesses), co-ordination and implementation of harmonised mobility standards (authorities), Bike Plan B (cycling), bike parking, mobility B events & the Plan B Bike Spring (recreation). For a full description of the various activities, go to "Plan B activities“ in the annex or to

Results (CO2 savings)

Numerous activities in support of enhanced mobility awareness have been organised in the framework of Plan B in the last few years, and an impressive network has been established comprising representatives of the local authorities, public transport operators, the Vorarlberg regional authority, Chamber of Commerce, schools, kindergartens, businesses and many other organisations.
The successful mobilisation of 2,500 keen “schoolwalkers”, 600 kindergarten pupils and about 40 businesses with several thousand employees shows that there are attractive alternatives to the motor car and that everybody can do themselves and the environment some good every day. With the help of the project partners, Plan B has reduced the volume of traffic in the region and thus made a contribution to environmental protection. Working on Plan B also promotes co-operation between the municipalities, political parties and different age groups and shows how regional co-operation can be made to succeed.


Plan B is promoted by the local authorities of Hard, Kennelbach, Lauterach, Schwarzach, Wolfurt and Bregenz