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CIPRA’s cc.alps Competition: All Contributions Now Online!

Jul 17, 2008
The cc.alps competition being held across the Alps in 2008 has been very well received. By the July 31st submission deadline individuals and organisations from all Alpine countries had submitted 160 projects. All the competition contributions can now be viewed on this site. The price winners will be announced on November 6th.
Country Category of measure Type of measure
at (Austria)ch (Suisse)de (Germany)fr (France)it (Italy)li (Liechtenstein)mc (Monaco)si (Slovenia) MitigationAdaptation AgricultureForesteryWater managementNatural hazards managementNature conservationEnergy supplyBuilding industry and housingTransport and mobilityTourismSpatial planningEducationOther

Advertisment text 2008 (pdf, 320 kb)

What’s on the web site?

Here you’ll find all the contributions that were submitted in time and in compliance with the competition criteria. Please note that none of the contributions featured here have been subject to a preliminary check; they are NOT therefore examples of best practice. The submitting parties are solely responsible for the contents of the contributions.

How do I find a contribution?

To select several countries/categories/types hold down the Control key (Ctrl-key, bottom left-hand corner of the keyboard), then click other countries/categories/types. In the full-text search you can search for one or more keywords.

Additional information about the contributions

Many of the participants included photos, Word documents and/or PDFs as attachments to their forms. These attachments can be found at the end of the forms.

Future in the Alps competition

Information on the "Future in the Alps" competition 2005 is available here (submitted contributions, winning projects etc.)