People & Bodies
Assembly of Delegates
The highest body of CIPRA is the Assembly of Delegates. All representations have six seats each, the regional representation of South Tyrol two. Sponsoring member Nederlandse Milieugroep Alpen participates with an advisory seat. The Assembly of Delegates convenes at least once every year.
Presiding Committee
The Presiding Committee is a somewhat leaner body. Every national representation has two seats, the regional representation of CIPRA South Tyrol one. Also the Presiding Committee convenes every year. It has already become a tradition that, before the Presiding Committee meeting, the leaders of the national and regional CIPRA representations meet, exchange views and therefore build the basis for good communication.
CIPRA Youth Council (CYC)
The Youth Committee is an advisory body serving CIPRA International’s bodies, Management and Executive Office. The first CYC, a group of 7 young women, has been nominated by the Assembly of the Delegates of the CIPRA in Bolzano on October 2013. Further information