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A media house for the Alps

Dec 01, 2010 / alpMedia
The Alps are to have their own multilingual media platform. This ambitious idea was launched by the Rhaeto-Romanic department of Switzerland's public radio broadcaster. Las-Alps-Infoteca is to become "a competence centre for media in the Alps, providing news and information from the Alps and about the Alps".
Politicians, the media and NGOs from across the Alps convened in Chur/CH to discuss an information platform for and about the Alps.
Image caption:
Politicians, the media and NGOs from across the Alps convened in Chur/CH to discuss an information platform for and about the Alps. © Nadja Simmen
Las-Alps-Infoteca was presented in Chur/CH in mid-November, an event at which fundamental issues were also raised: who is to produce the information that flows into the "Media House of the Alps"? Who is to use the information? And who is interested in the Alps? The platform is to be established by 2012. By 2016 Las-Alps-Infoteca should also be producing its own journalistic output. CIPRA International sees Las-Alps-Infoteca as an added value for sustainable development and for a differentiated portrayal of the Alps to the outside. Especially if it succeeds in setting up an attractive radio programming offer.
For more information on the platform: (de/fr/it/sl/rät/)
Sources: (de), (de)
Filed under: information systems