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MountEE Project starts: sustainable public construction in Europe

Nov 15, 2012 / alpMedia
Municipalities have a duty to act as models, especially as regards construction and renovation work. The MountEE Project makes it possible for municipalities in five European mountain regions to optimise their construction and renovation strategies.
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Community centre in St. Gerold/A, a low-energy building made from regional wood: the idea is for comparable models to be created in other European mountain regions. © CIPRA International
In accordance with the relevant EU Directive, from 2018 all new and renovated buildings must meet standards for low-energy housing. This represents a major challenge for many municipalities, who generally lack the necessary know-how, experience and funds. Mountain communities also have to cope with additional problems such as extreme climate conditions, poor traffic connections or the migration of qualified personnel.
Supported by experts from the Vorarlberg in Austria, a model region as regards sustainable construction and renovation, the Swedish regions of Norrbotten and Dalarna, Friuli in Italy and the French Rhône-Alpes and Pyrenees regions are developing bespoke regional strategies for public construction and renovation works. In each region several public buildings are being newly built or renovated as models for process management, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies.
CIPRA is the lead partner for the project and, as one of seven project partners, is responsible for communication. MountEE is being financially supported by the European Union for three years under the "Intelligent Energy Europe" (IEE) programme.
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