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Local and regional low carbon scenarios: methodology, challenges and opportunities

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Year of publication2012
Author(s)Anita Wyss, Anja Doleschek, Benjamin Gugel, Charles Esmenjaud, Chris Church, Cord Hoppenbrock, Gildas Le Saux, Harry Lehmann, Jan Minx, Jeanne Frangié, Joaquim Corominas, Jordi Miralles, Josep Puig, Julien Berthier, Khaled Gaiji, Marta Garcia, Pierrick Yalamas, Raphaëlle Gauthier, Sarah Becker, Severin Poutrel, Yves Marignac
Publisher(s)Low Carbon Societies Network
Publication typeJournal, booklet
This publication on local and regional energy scenario aims at giving a methodological and practical overview on what can, should and is happening concerning the development of infra-national energy future visions.
It includes chapters on the importance of choosing the right emission parameter, on the reduction potentials of energy sufficiency, on the concept of 100% renewable energy regions and gives practical examples like a description of the French regional citizen scenarios “Virage énergie”.