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What happened to all the examples of good practice?

Jul 13, 2010 / cc.alps
cc.alps is interested in developing exemplary climate response measures from its cc.alps competition. Project managers are invited to update the progress and developments they have made since 2008.
Climate change mitigation begins with education - the Climate School at the Hohe Tauern National Park/A has been commended as an exemplary climate response measure.
Image caption:
Climate change mitigation begins with education - the Climate School at the Hohe Tauern National Park/A has been commended as an exemplary climate response measure. © 2010 Verbund Klimaschule des Nationalparks Hohe Tauern
They will then be available in an updated version on the internet at (de/en/fr/it/sl). cc.alps will regularly feature on its start page (de/en/fr/it/sl) one example that has been updated in this way. In doing so cc.alps wants to promote examples of good practice and encourage others to emulate them.